Graphic Presentation Slide Show 

1. Demo: the Java Island Slide Show

2. Introduction and Credits

This slide show applet could be used for presenting multiple pictures through the Internet. With this applet, there is no need to load all images that need to be displayed, which might take a lot of time through a slow network. The applet display images while loading other images. It will update to new images with different kinds of transitions when they are loaded.

The programming of this applet would not be possible without the help from Chenchen Hsiao.

3. Instructions to use the applet

To use this applet, you need to take care of the followings::

4. Parameters

imagePath (optional)

Value should be the path for the image files. The path should be a relative path to the location of HTML file, and it should be under the directory of the HTML file. Default value is "", which means that the image files are in the same directory as the HTML file.

imageFileExtension (optional)

Value should be the extension name of the image files. "gif" and "jpg" are the two extensiion that is acceptable. Default value is "gif".


Value should be the number of images that need to be shown.

audioFile (optional)

Value should be the file name of the audio clip for transition. It should a file with ".au" extenstion.

imageStillSeconds (optional)

Value should be the number of seconds that each image will stay still before changing to a new image. Default value is "5".


Value should be the name of transition for the whole presentation. Available transitions are "blind", "slide", "moveright", "pattern", "iris", "spiral", "opendoor". All should be in lower case. Default value is "blind".


Value should be an array of transitions for the presentation. Available transitions are "blind", "slide", "moveright", "pattern", "iris", "spiral", "opendoor". All should be in lower case. There should be space between transitions. Example: "blind moveright iris spiral".

Comments and Suggestions are welcomed. Please contact David Chen at